Vacant position: Assistant Editor, Danish Yearbook of Philosophy

No salary, part-time, mostly web-based work-from-home on private PC.

The oldest international Danish philosophy journal, Danish Yearbook of Philosophy (DYP), first published in 1964, and the official journal of the Danish Philosophical Society, is seeking an Assistant Editor. The job consists in assisting with the ongoing operations in cooperation with the Editor-in-Chief and the other members of the editorial team.

DYP is published by Brill and publish two issues annually, in total around 220 pages or 10-15 articles. Growth is possible, if justified by the quality of the unsolicited submissions. Of the two annual issues, one is normally a special issue based on the annual meetings two years before in the Danish Philosophical Society and with the hosts of the meeting as guest-editors. The other issue is edited by the Editor-in-Chief. Issue-editors are responsible for providing adequate reviews based on suggestions from the authors.

The Assistant Editor will primarily be assigned to support the guest editors of a special issue throughout the two-year review and production process. The Assistant Editor thus helps sustaining the flow of the journal and the ongoing progress of all the necessary operations, i.e. the prereview process, the review-process and post-review process.

In addition, assistance may be needed in relation to the annual consultation with the local editorial board, communicating with the international editorial board and the planned establishment of an international advisory board. Tasks also include posting announcements and reminders about calls for papers, subscriptions, the release of new issues, and other relevant material to listservs and social media accounts.

The ongoing tasks include helping to decide, if received submissions qualify for review, needs revisions to qualify for this or should be rejected right away. In addition, assisting with the assignment of manuscripts to guest-editors, the assignment of and communication with reviewers, and the communication of decisions to authors. In addition, helping to secure that accepted submissions have the right format, assigning copyeditors, and securing that manuscripts are ready for production and transferring them. DYP uses the Editorial Manager (EM) system to facilitate all of these processes.

To qualify for the position, the applicant must at least be post-graduate student, preferably already Ph.D. in philosophy. Having experience with EM as editor, author, or reviewer is also an advantage. DYP publishes in English, German and French; apart from English, the Assistant Editor must know well at least one of the other two official languages. The business language of DYP is English, but Danish language is of course also used when possible.

The new Assistant Editor will work together with the editorial team that presently consist of Editor-in-Chief, one Assistant Editor and a Review Editor, who handles book-reviews. If necessary, the team may in the future be expanded.

Application (one page and one page c.v.) to the Editor-in-Chief and acting president of the Danish Philosophical Society, Asger Sørensen Deadline May 15th 12 o’clock GMT.