2023b CFP : The Nature of Reproduction and the Public Sphere
The Nature of Reproduction and the Public Sphere
Special Issue on Danish Yearbook of Philosophy
Guest editors Lucrecia Paz Burges Cruz, Tomeu Sales Gelabert and Joaquin Valdivielso, University of the Balearic Islands, Spain
Call For Papers
Although reproduction in general may appear as a well-known process, when considered more closely it remains a complex phenomenon that encompasses, at least, biological, social, and political factors. To understand the diverse ways in which reproduction is conceptualized, practiced, and experienced, and to criticize or recommend certain ways, this special issue invites contributions from philosophical scholars regarding the nature of reproduction, in particular exploring the intersection of biological and social reproduction and their relation to the public sphere. Philosophical contribution emphasizing interdisciplinarity and intersectionality are particularly encouraged.
We welcome papers that address questions such as, but not limited to:
• What is the role of the public sphere in the social construction of reproduction, gender, and sexuality?
• How should we deal with the fact that cultural and historical factors shape our understanding of biological and social reproduction?
• How should we discuss rights to reproduction and health in relation to current social and economic policies?
• When inquiring into reproductive issues, what are the normative and conceptual implications in terms of social critique and political argument?
• What are the implications of reproductive work, reproductive justice movements etc. in relation to social and political philosophy?
• What is the significance of power in relation to reproductive concepts, practices and policies in the public sphere?
Danish Yearbook of Philosophy is a peer-reviewed journal founded in 1964. It is now published by Brill for the Danish Philosophical Society.
Deadline for submissions is October 1st, 2023.
Articles for this special issue should not exceed 15 pages of 400 words, i.e. 6000 words. Articles exceeding this limit may be accepted, however, if it is considered that their length is appropriate to their topic, and if they are found to be of sufficiently high quality.
Article manuscripts submitted to the journal must be refereed by a qualified international reviewer. Upon submission, please suggest three possibilities and provide links to their institutional homepages. General guidelines for submissions at the journal’s home page HERE.